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Manchester Cailíní is an online and in-person community of young women across the Manchester Irish diaspora. For young Irish women who have emigrated to Manchester, loneliness, social isolation, and feelings of homesickness can be a real issue. Moreover, for second or third generation Irish women raised in Manchester, disconnection from their Irish roots is a real issue. Manchester Cailíní, therefore, aims to tackle these issues by connecting young women of Irish heritage with one another and with their Irish culture and heritage.

The Manchester Cailíní group can be found on Facebook at Manchester Cailíní - Manchester Girls | Facebook and is open to all young women of Irish heritage across the city. Through the Manchester Cailíní Facebook group, ICCM will organise and host a variety of meet-ups, activities, and events.  


If you would like to get involved in the Manchester Cailíní group, or have any queries or ideas, please contact our Cultural Activities Co-ordinator at or on 07305065801.


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